
DA Newman Music is licensed with BMI, and affiliations with Harry Fox Agency (HFA), Taxi, Spectro, and others. We offer songwriters and artist an opportunity & alternative to major publishers, offering both a standard and administrative publishing contract.Contact Us!
New Artist
We are always listening for someone or something new, with passion and drive for their art, that brings something different to the mix. If believe you are this someone contact us and let us hear your ideas, difference, and passion. It is our goal to discover and promote songwriters/musicians, to assist them gain exposure and placements in the music licensing, television, and movie industries. Contact Us!
Recording & Producing

A well-produced and engineered song is essential. The recording process begins with a producer and studio engineer who understand your vision and can help you develop your sound. While we all enjoy the spontaneity of playing and recording live, going into the studio with this approach seldom produce useable material. It is for this reason, we encourage planning and producing tracks before the recording process begins. Contact Us!

A well produced and engineered song helps the mix engineer perceive and processes your visions. While a properly recording song is extremely important part of the process, mixing is where you start to get that polished sheen that make the listeners ears stand up and listen! Here at 369 Records we prefer to mix within Presonus Studio One Pro DAW and have a great selection of plugins from trusted companies like, Waves , State Digital, Softtube and many others Contact Us!

Track editing can look easy, but when edited incorrectly, pops, crackles and/or timing can become an issue. Let us edit your tracks before these things become issues. We can correct things like early or late instruments and vocals (with out quantizing). Or maybe you think a guitar riff would sound better in a different part of the song. And then there is MIDI! Let us correct the timing and melodic issues to make your track shine! If you would like to hear the difference contact us and we can setup a session to hear the difference. Contact Us!
Pitch Correction

When it comes to pitch correction, most people think of AutoTune. While Auto Tune has its place in music, we prefer to use Celemony Melodyne, allowing us to tune all or just selected notes. When tuning all, we believe you loose some of the feeling and dynamics, but by addressing just the truly out of pitch notes, you retain the feeling and essence of the vocal. Or maybe an instrument is just a little out tune … we can do that! If you would like to hear the difference contact us and we can setup a session to hear the difference. Contact Us!